Power Packed Thirst Quencher

Elderberry Raspberry Limeade

Power Packed Thirst Quencher

Who doesn’t love the tang of raspberries and limes? Raspberry limeade is a summer favorite for picnics, barbecues, or any time you need something cold and thirst-quenching.

Now, we’ve taken raspberry limeade to a whole new level by combining it with our Elderberry Hibiscus Mate Tea. Who knew you could combine the traditional flavors of lime and raspberry with hibiscus and yerba mate and come up with something even better?

Seriously, we are having so much fun with our Elderberry Herbal Teas! They are incredibly versatile and blend well with almost any fruit or spice, hot or cold.

Yerba mate boasts an impressive lineup of health benefits, including the energy boost that you get with coffee, but with less caffeine and no jitters. So, you can toss those corn syrup laden caffeinated soft drinks and get a powerful herbal boost with your energy drink instead.

Yerba mate may also boost mental focus and enhance physical performance, help protect against infections from bacteria, parasites, and fungi, reduce appetite to help with weight loss, and lower blood sugar levels. *

Plus, our Elderberry Hibiscus Mate Tea also contains elderberries and hibiscus, with their own line-up of great herbal benefits.

You already know about the immune supporting benefits of elderberries. But did you know? Hibiscus is packed with antioxidants, may help lower blood pressure and blood fat levels, may boost liver health, and promote weight loss, and contains compounds that may help prevent cancer. *

We made a full pitcher, and it was gone in twenty minutes!

Get some today. You won’t be disappointed.











~ Health benefit information source – https://www.healthline.com