Book Review- “the elderberry book” by John Moody

“the elderberry book”
by John Moody

This gem of a book, published in 2019, has quickly become a staple for reference in our home library. It’s packed with helpful information and organized in a way that the information is easily accessible for referencing. Mr. Moody’s easy style of writing is both engaging and memorable.

While it’s not long – only 108 pages – this book is packed with information. The elderberry book systematically takes you through every part of elderberry knowledge. From the history of the elderberry through the anatomy and nutrition. Then on to cultivation, harvest, preserving, and preparation. (Did you know that 2 ½to 3 ½ pounds of fresh berries makes 1 quart of elderberry juice?) As a bonus in the end, Mr. Moody even talks about using elderberry wood for crafts and other things. (Who knew that you could make whistles and flutes from elderberry wood?!)

I would highly recommend this book as a starting place for anyone wanting to learn more about elderberries. I would also recommend this book as a great reference for each elderberry user and grower to have in their home library. I know that our whole family reaches for it often as we go about our daily elderberry business!


“I hope in years to come we see an elderberry bush on every corner, and better health to our homes, homesteads, and home countries because of it.” — John Moody, the elderberry book

You can buy this book at-