Monthly Archives: February 2022

7 posts

Elderflower for Acute Inflammation

Is elderflower beneficial for acute inflammation? “Sambucus nigra L. is a plant of European origin and popularly known as elder, elderberry, black elder, European elder, European elderberry, and European black elderberry, being described in pharmacopoeia of several countries. Its flowers and berries have been used in folk medicine to treat […]

Elderberry for Degenerative Diseases

Does elderberry have beneficial effects against degenerative disease? “The genus Sambucus includes up to 18 species, among them the widely known and used Sambucus nigra L. Elderberry fruits are rich in sugars, organic acids as well in anthocyanins and other polyphenols. The beneficial health-promoting effects of elderberries and elderflowers are […]

A Delicious Supplement

What is Elderberry Cordial? Just what is Elderberry Cordial? For that matter, what is a cordial? Typically, cordials are very sweet, distilled spirits that are dessert-like. Recipes for cordial traditionally include various berries, fruits, flowers, citrus, or other flavors, along with a generous amount of sweetener such as sugar or […]